============= Configuration ============= Requirements ============ .. note:: Some manual adjustments are still required in the current version, which will be reduced in following versions. Access to the following apps is required for administrative configuration: * Access to ``Devices app`` * Access to ``Files app`` * Administrative knowledge about the ``Routing Engine`` of the innovaphone and the ``Advanced User Interface`` is required. ---------- Share in the Files App ========================= Before starting the configuration of the admin app, a folder must be shared to store the app's data in the files app. A new folder can be created in the files app using the respective folder icon. This should be given a suitable name, e.g. : block list. .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_add_dir.png After creating the folder, it must be shared with a username and password. To do so, mark the folder in the menu: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_add_mark.png A checkbox will appear next to all folders, all other folders will not be selected. In the menu on the right side the ``Share`` symbol must be clicked: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_share.png :width: 99px :height: 99px :group: app_share :title: Ordner freigeben A new window will pop up. In the drop-down menu select ``Share with user and password`` to fill it with data, which must be stated later in the ``Blocklist Admin App``. .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_share_menu.png :width: 353px :height: 380px :title: Freigabemenü :show_caption: False :group: app_share Now go to the folder which you have just released and click on the *i* in the top right corner. You will find the ``URL`` there. .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_share_info.png Menu in the right corner .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_files_app_share_details.png Share Details The work in the ``Files App`` is completed. Continue with the ``Blocklist Admin App``. ---------- Configuration Blocklist Admin App ================================= Before phone numbers can be entered in the blocklist, basic ``settings`` must be made. To do this, navigate to ``Settings`` in the menu. You will find the following form: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_app_settings_empty.png Empty form for Admin app The form offers the following input fields: +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | Example | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Global destination| Object to which the blocked call should be forwarded | Announcement-goodbye | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Trunk | Name of the trunk object through which the calls are received. | Trunk | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *PBX |Name of the PBX, where the trunk object is located. | pbx-location | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Domain |Name of the Systems/Domain | example.com | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *WebDAV Username | Username for WebDAV authentification | username-for-blocklist-app | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *WebDAV Password | Password for WebDAV authentification | password-for-blocklist-app | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *URI to XML script | The Blocklist app generates a voicemail script, | **https://apps.example.com/example.com/files/root/Blocklist/vm.xml** | | | define a path and the name of the script | | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_app_settings.png The fields marked with ``*`` are mandatory and must be filled in for the app to work properly. At ``Global destination`` a global destination must be specified. For this purpose the name of an ``object (cn)`` is defined. This may be selected later when configuring the phone numbers. In the input field ``Trunk`` the long name of the trunk object is entered, this must have a filled value at loopback. In the input field ``PBX`` pbx name is entered, this is necessary to determine where the trunk object is located. In the input field ``Domain`` the domain name/system name is entered. Next the ``URI to the XML script`` must be entered. This is the URL that was displayed in the ``share`` of the ``Files App``. For the ``WebDAV username`` and ``WebDAV password``, the ``access credentials`` of the share from the ``Files App`` are specified. As the name WebDAV implies, this is just a WebDAV share, so it would also be possible to specify a WebDAV server. .. note:: A **file name** must be given in the end! It can be freely chosen. ----------------- Configuration of the Voicemail Object ====================================== .. note:: At the moment, the voicemail object has to be created manually. Later this will be possible via the PBX manager. A new voicemail object has to be created on the Master-PBX. This should be installed as followed: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_voicemail_object_general.png Name and phone number can freely be chosen. .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_voicemail_object_voicemail.png The URL entered in the Blocklist Admin app and the associated access data from the Files app release must be given here. ----------------- Configuration in the Routing ============================ .. note:: This configuration cannot be done automatically. Administrators must be familiar with the procedure of the configuration. In the routing, all calls must be routed to the ``Voicemail object`` before they go to the PBX. If a phone number is stored and matches the incoming phone number, it will be treated accordingly. .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_routing_vm.png :title: Routing example, in this case 98 is the phone number of the voicemail object :show_caption: True All preparations to block phone numbers are completed and they can be entered in the ``Blocklist Admin app``. --------------------- Blocking of a Phone Number ========================== .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_add_plus.png :align: right :width: 45px :height: 45px Open the Blocklist Admin app. If phone numbers have not been blocked yet, an empty list will be displayed. Click on the blue plus symbol in the right corner. Afterwards the following dialog will be shown: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_add_number.png The following fields are displayed: +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Fieldname | Description | Example | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | *Description | A description of the blocked phone number | Spam Caller | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Phone number | Phone number that should be blocked | 00800666666 | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Call handle | 1. End call | 1. The call will be ended | | | 2. Forwarding to global destination | 2. The global destination from settings will be used | | | 3. Forwarding to a specific destination | 3. An object from the PBX will be declared | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Transfer to | If 3. is chosen with regards to call handle, this field will be unlocked and enables the possibility to set a name from the PBX. | WQ_Example | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: The phone number must be entered as it is displayed in the ``Gateway``. The ``phone numbers`` should not be manipulated! If the phone number is entered incorrectly, configuration errors might occur! .. note:: Important: Either mark ``Ending call`` with a hook **or** enter a **name** under ``Forwarding destination of call``. Otherwise the call will be ended! Examples: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_add_number_ok.png :width: 250px :height: 250px :group: grp_ok .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_add_number_ok2.png :width: 250px :height: 250px :group: grp_ok After a phone number has been entered it will be displayed in a table: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_add_number_result.png ------------------ Edit or Delete Phone Number =========================== .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_edit_number_pen.png :width: 50px :height: 50px :align: right :group: edit_number To edit or delete a phone number, click on the pen symbol of the respective record. The following dialog will be displayed: .. thumbnail:: images/configuration/en/configuration_blocklist_admin_edit_number_menu.png :group: edit_number Here you can change or delete the phone number. If you want to delete the phone number, you will be asked for verification. After the change the voicemail script of the app will be adjusted accordingly.