============ Installation ============ Requirements ============= * innovaphone PBX with the app platform of at least version V13r2sr1 * An existing Jitsi server App installation on the innovaphone myApps Store ================================================ The app is available on the innovaphone myApps Store. The installation starts after clicking the ``Install button``. .. thumbnail:: install_from_appstore.png Installation on the innovaphone myApps Store If an app update has been released, it can be installed by also clicking the ``Install button``. As soon as the installation has successfully been completed, app instances can be set up. Configuration of instances ========================= Setting up instances ------------------- After the app has been installed, one or more instances can be set up. .. thumbnail:: add_instance__en.png The name of an instance is user-defined. The domain must match the system domain of the installation in which the app is going to be used. .. thumbnail:: add_instance_dialog__en.png Setting up an app instance After setting up an instance, the app must be started by clicking the ``Start button``. The instance will be listed as an app in the ``PBX Manager``. Setting up PBX objects ---------------------- On the PBX manager app PBX objects must be set up for users and admins for app access. .. thumbnail:: add_an_app__en.png Configuration in PBX Manager The entries' names serve as annotation for the entries of myApps clients. In this case, ``Jitsi`` or ``Jitsi Admin`` could be used as a possible name for the server as well as the SIP. .. thumbnail:: add_an_app_user__en.png Configuration of the user object .. thumbnail:: add_an_app_admin__en.png Configuration of the admin object It is defined in both instances in which user templates the apps should be customized. Users who have to undertake configurations on the app, will need the ``Jitsi Admin`` version of the template. All other users of the app need version``Jitsi``. .. thumbnail:: add_an_app_result__en.png Green hooks will appear as soon as the PBX objects have been created. The apps are now assigned to each user, who can add them to their homescreen from the app menu. Licences ======== To use the app in the myApps client, licences must be assigned to the user objects in the Pbx. Depending on the licence assigned, the user or admin app is available to the corresponding user. The user app requires the licence ``App(trizwo-jitsi)``, while users of the admin app require the licence ``App(trizwo-jitsiadmin)``. These licences can be assigned either via a template or individually for each user.