
Version sr2 141002

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr4

Version sr1 141001

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr1

  • License is now required

Version sr28 131022

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr29

  • Mandatory licence introduced. Until the next version only as a warning

Version sr27 131021

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr26

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr25 131019

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr20

Version sr24 131018

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr19

Version sr23 131017

  • Feedback in the UI on requirements regarding form field contents

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr18

Version sr22 131016

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr17

Version sr21 131015

  • Reset button: resets initial values

  • Form validation: fixed an error in the ‚Jitsi Server Address‘ field.

  • Form validation: new room names may only contain plain letters, numbers and spaces

  • Form validation: new Jitsi room names may only contain plain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores and must contain at least 20 characters

  • Info/manufacturer: call is started by mouse click on call number

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr16

Version sr20 131014

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr15

Version sr18 131012

  • UI improvements

  • Emails: Templates changeable by a template in the settings

  • Display name: Transfer of display names from users to Jitsi.

Version sr17 131011

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr12

Version sr16 131010

  • Presence changes in Multipbx environments are now sent to the correct websocket connection

  • UI improvements

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr11

Version sr15 131009

  • Update offer in App Manager: build.txt included in

Version sr14 131008

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr10

Version sr13 131007

  • documentation is included in the app

  • room list can be sorted and filtered

Version sr12 131006

  • the PbxApis used by the app are now set by the PbxManager.

Version sr11 131005

  • UI now sends a AppClientOnline message when UI is connected. Fixes the Logging

Version sr10 131004

  • first Release