
Version sr2 141002

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr4

  • License is now required

Version sr1 141001

  • Update to Generic App 14r1 sr1

Version sr28 131022

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr29

Version sr27 131021

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr26

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr26 131020

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr23

  • Multiple Domain Usage disabled

Version sr25 131019

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr20

Version sr24 131018

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr19

Version sr23 131017

  • Feedback in the UI on requirements regarding form field contents

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr18

Version sr22 131016

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr17

Version sr21 131015

  • Reset button: resets initial values

  • Info/manufacturer: call is started by mouse click on call number

  • New filter ‚no filter‘. Allows to clear the field in the pbx

  • Filters are displayed in alphabetical order

  • Extensions are displayed in search results with Node and Pbx Name

  • Update to Generic App 13r2 sr16

Version sr20 131014

  • First release